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Admin. & Academic Support Assessment Committee

Administrative And Academic Support Assessment Committee

Committee Charge:

The Administrative and Academic Support Assessment Committee (AASAC) is responsible for reviewing and recommending university-wide administrative assessment policies and procedures to support institutional effectiveness.  Recommendations are made to the provost for academic matters and to the president for administrative matters. 

Vision Statement:

The AASAC’s vision is to foster and sustain a productive “culture of assessment” at Florida Institute of Technology by emphasizing the positive impact of the assessment process on the effectiveness of administrative and academic support units as this process pertains to the student experience and/or the sustainability of the institution.

Goal Statements:

  1. To define, review, and recommend policies and procedures that help maintain an administrative and academic support assessment process at Florida Tech.
  2. To assist administrative and academic/student support units with assessment of the student experience and/or sustainability of the institution.
  3. To encourage unit and university response to assessment plan findings and to support their use in university planning and budget processes.
  4. To recommend appropriate actions to executive leadership that are critical for sustaining the assessment process and promoting the culture of assessment at Florida Tech.


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